So, you’ve finally hurdled the years of struggle in the academic world. Now, you are a full-fledged Pharmacist in New York after finally earning your license to practice. However, the challenges don’t stop there because you now need to prove yourself to your potential employers that you can be a valuable member of their team.
Looking for a job is not an easy task. Passing the eye of the needle might be an understatement to describe it. For instance, a certain pharmacy may announce an opening of a single position, and such position may be eyed by dozens of aspiring pharmacists, which is the common experience of Payless Staffing and Consultants, Inc. It’s like a matchbox–sized meat tossed to a pack of hungry wolves. You are now in a cut throat and competitive stage in your professional life.
That is why, no matter how well–made your resume is, chances of landing your dream job are dim when you can’t even answer the questions that are being thrown at you by your interviewer. However, these common questions will help you ace the interview that you are going to:
- You’ll be asked about your previous job.
Most employers ask this question to gauge whether you are the job-hopper kind (which they want to weed out because they don’t want to invest training them, it can be just a waste of money and time), or you are the curious type who wants to try multiple career paths to see what truly is fitting to you. Think carefully about how you phrase your answers so that you won’t appear as the job-hopper type.
- You’ll be asked about your accomplishments.
The reason most Pharmacy Staffing in Astoria New York ask this type of question is that they want to have an idea whether you are a goal-oriented individual and if you have a certain value system that you practice to achieve your goals. This allows them to see how valuable you are to the organization.
- You’ll be asked about the problems you encountered.
This is easy-peasy. The answers you reply will enable the employers to estimate your critical and problem solving skills, and how adept you are in hurdling challenging or difficult scenarios in real life. So, try to think about the most challenging part of your past job and how you managed to overcome it. If you have no previous employment experience, try to think about the most difficult part of being in pharmacy school and what you did to solve it.
- You’ll be asked about the misconceptions other people have on you.
The employers want to know where your weak point is or how defensive you are about yourself and your personal life. They want to assess how good you are in dealing with gossips because it can affect your performance in the pharmacy if you are being defensive about issues thrown at you.
With the right preparation, and by familiarizing the most common questions that pharmacy employers throw to their potential new members, you can be comfortable in answering the questions. This will improve your chances of being hired after the interview. The answers you give reveal so much about your personality. It shows how you can best fit into the pharmacy culture that’s present in the company that you are applying for.